Consignment Stock & VMI

The value we add to the products we sell could be described as logistics services. Our products are often being seen as a necessary evil: low end products, low profits and lots of work. A real headache.

  1. Consignment stock
    We can relieve you of this headache by offering our service Consignment Stock!
    If a customer applies for consignment stock, again he finds AE as his partner. AE provides a consignment agreement that contains the detailed preparations for a successful cooperation. Together with the customer the consignment stock is defined and delivered. We also agree the periodic financial settlement. In case of plain consignment agreement the customer still controls the stock keeping  and therefore send its purchase orders periodically to AE.

  2. Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
    We also offer the service which delegates stock keeping to AE. In that case we talk about: Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
    In this case you are not concerned with day to day stock management because AE is responsible for achieving proper service level figures for its VMI customers.

Both these services of consignment and VMI are cost saving measures that will free your resources in your organization.

Some of AE’s customers also delegate product management to AE. This can imply technical tests on incoming and/or new products, but also the commitment to introduce new products periodically.

Automechanika 2024

We will be there again!

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Aluminum Plugs & Sockets

Not new in our program, but worth highlighting

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Vendor managed inventory (VMI)

Customer has no concern about stockkeeping.

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Customized packaging

AE delivers products customized packed in customer's very own package.

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Order Fulfillment

AE takes over all logistic activities from its customer.

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Final Sale

Check out the new items we have added. Some of these may come in handy, this time of year!

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New in our program

A few of the recently added items

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NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Certification extended!

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