
Privacy statement

AE Industries processes your personal data carefully, safely and reliably. We think it’s important that you have confidence in our organization. That's why we commit to do everything to protect your privacy. The legislation regarding your privacy has been drawn into the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR). The ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’ (Dutch Data Protection Authority) supervises compliance of this legislation.

When we mention 'we' or 'us' we mean AE Industries. We collect, use and protect your personal data and we are the data controller.

What is considered as personal data?

With personal data we mean:
- first and last name
- address details
- telephone number
- e-mail address

Why do we need your data?

We use your personal data, because you use services of AE Industries, and/or because you filled out a contact form on AE Industries’ website. In these cases, it is necessary to use several personal data from you in order to offer the service or product that you purchase from us. These data are necessary for an agreement.

Collecting data from others

AE Industries does not collect data from third parties.

Use of your personal data




Before a contract is in place, we contact you. This is called the precontractual phase.


When cooperation is started, it is entered into an agreement

Legal obligation

We collect personal data to comply with legal obligations

General interest

Accomplishment of tasks by an executive board


Automated individual decision-making

We will not use your personal data for the purpose of automated decision-making, because this is not necessary for our services. This means for example that we do not do profiling.

Share with others

We don’t provide your personal details to third parties, unless this is necessary for the performance of the agreement or to meet legal obligations.

Data outside the EU

Our principle is to only process personal within the EU, since the GDPR only applies within the EU. This way an adequate level of protection can be ensured.

Website visit

On the AE Industries website, general visitor data is kept, including the IP address of your computer, the time of the request and data that your browser sends. This data is used for analyzing visitor and click behavior on the website. The information is only used to optimize the operation of our website. These data are anonymous and will not be provided to third parties.


We will take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to secure your personal data and to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal data.

Keeping your data

In accordance with the law, we do not retain data any longer than is required to attain the purposes for which they were collected

Your rights

You have the right to ask AE Industries to provide a copy of your personal data and/or to improve, add to, delete or block certain parts of it. You can send a request for access, correction or removal to You will get an answer within four weeks.


If you have any questions, a complaint or comment, please contact us at

Changes to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement replaces all previous versions. We may change this Statement at any time so please check it regularly on our website for any updates.

Last update: February 2019

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